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Geopier intermediate foundation systems have become preferred alternatives to massive over-excavation and replacement or deep foundations, including driven piles, drilled shafts or augered cast-in-place piles. Click on each system for more details!
Geopier GP3
Utilizes pre-augering and vertical impact ramming energy to construct Rammed Aggregate Pier (RAP) elements, for unsurpassed strength and stiffness.
Displacment mandrel used to construct Rammed Aggregate Pier (RAP) elements in soils subject to caving. Ideally suited for liquefiable sites.

Developed to provide long-term confinement support in soft organic (peat, organic silt/clay) and cohesive soils for building foundations.
GeoConcrete Column (GCC)
GCC provides higer capacity piers for projects with larger area fills and adjacent footing stress concerns. GCCs consist of unreinforced concrete columns to transfer high stresses down to a dense or hard soil layer.
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